One Notorious Slattern

Being wicked silly.

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Location: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

Saturday, September 24, 2005

I am rilly, rilly tired. This is probably because I am an idiot who has decided that 'no, working and going to graduate school aren't enough, I need to join organizations and have hobbies.'

Or it could be that I am doing a paper for my intro class, the research for which is almost identical to that one undertakes in looking for a job. We all know how much fun that is, right?

I have been thinking of planting currants in the back yard. Anyone have experience with them?

Monday, September 19, 2005

Ooh, I had a lovely day yesterday. I bought bulbs--squill and daffodils, the ol' standbys--at a nifty garden center where they let me pick out my favorites one at a time. No plain yellow daffys for us--we are going to have the wee ones and the creamy ones with pink cups and the double yellows. I couldn't find the ones I really like in my mother's yard, the ones that look like they've been run through the mill, they're so ruffly and doubled, and that are still streaked with green. But I am happy with the selections. And I just love the idea of bulbs. You plunk them in in the fall, and they sleep under the snow blankie all winter, and then they burst into life first thing in the spring. The anticipation is delightful--who says that I can't do delayed satisfaction?

I also hit up the yarn shop in Altamont--life's always better once you've found your fiber community. I resisted the yarn, but purchased a book on spinning. Altamont is adorable--Altamont, NY, that is--like Stars Hollow out of the Gilmore Girls. Only without all that boring flatness of landscape that indicates a movie set in California.

And then I came home and had a long nap. So I didn't get any proper work done. O well. I'll just scramble again this week.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

The most horrible thing ever has begun happening to me--I now get hungover. Waah! Right now, I feel all spinny-wobbley, and I just went out to make new friends and only had a bit... or so.

Somebody tell me what one does to fix these.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Last night, I was sitting on the stoop, minding my own business and blending with the shadows. Out of the neon at the corner came a man, fine of feature, thin and sinewy, carrying a baseball bat and... a can of Sparks. Needless to say, I held my breath till he passed. Dowanna know what he was up to.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Neato! Though I'd like to have at least 200 sq. ft. Ya know. For my yarn.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Baseball is brilliant fun and my homework is not. And so I am back in the library, where I cannot watch the Sox/Yankees game on at the moment. Feh. It is the most beautiful day, as well. I quite nearly got sucked into the park on the way here.

But I must persevere. I landed the job, and I start on Tuesday, which means that I have classes from noonish to tenish on Monday, work Tuesday morning, attend the Society of American Archivists meeting at 3 and hit another class Tuesday evening. No time for screwing about, blogging, and general not-getting everything together for my first three classes of the week before the end of the weekend. (PS, I am now the SAA secretary. I showed up to the first meeting, and no one else new did. Typical--y'all know I'm just a girl who can't say no.)

But I now have the New York Sheep and Wool Festival to look forward to. My knitting has really been suffering in the last weeks, and it's just the prospect on the horizon to brighten up my fiber-obsessive life.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Yea and verily, I am now in Albany. I am, in fact, in the basement of the graduate library, doing fabulous graduate readings and whatnot. Next up: two chapters from Fluency in Information Technology (at least, I think that's the title). Phone calls will be made over the weekend--I need to get some sleep tonight, as I have an interview for a job I desperately want tomorrow morning.

And, Nadia, I am not so sure about our derivation for tonsorial from tonsil--having tried to scrape up some info, I think that the derivation may go the other way.

La ti da. I am exhausted.