One Notorious Slattern

Being wicked silly.

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Location: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Ted and I went to the NC State Fair last Friday--it was waaay more awesome than these photos. Can you tell that I love the ag exhibits?

And we went to the demolition derby. Eeee!


Thursday, October 14, 2004

*dither, dither, dither, dither*--To dye my hair, or not to dye my hair? I know that folks don't really notice the difference, I know that I don't maintain the roots properly, I know that the process is damaging and that if I ever want to grow the hair all out to cut off to exchange in a wig exchange, I shouldn't do it.

But I'm *addicted.* Yes, that's right, to staining the sink and my hands and smearing green goo all over my head. Plus I love the texturizing effects. My stupid fine hair....

I've decided on a Halloween costume, which is a relief. Mr. Slattern was awake with jetlag at, I dunno, sometime in the middle of the night, and so I was, too, and the idea (for which Mr. Slattern should receive due credit) still seems like a good one this morning. Bunnicula! Bunny ears and fangs! Both slacker fun and childish fun, yay!

Who saw the debates last night? I'm sorry, but GW? Who would vote for a man who places the buggy before the horse?

Friday, October 08, 2004

Here I am, back in Chapel Hill. I must say that Ithaca is easily the most enchanting city on the planet. High and low culture, huzzah for them both!

Of course, I've got my nostalgia goggles on. And, rilly, it's the people--I miss y'all so much.


Monday, October 04, 2004

Officiating as guest priestess at the temple....